Sunday, April 29, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
Can somebody explain why Deputy Secretary of State Randall Tobias was fired for paying hookers out of his own pocket while Paul Wolfowitz, who paid millions to his main squeeze out of taxpayer pockets gets to skate? In fact, our Little Prince said he still has “the fullest confidence” in Wolfy. I mean what gives here?
It’s as though The Great Invader had all the wrong answers nailed deeply into his skull in some long-ago secret ceremony, and they just dribble out of him at a measured, consistent pace. There’s just nothing this guy gets right.
The Tobias departure also makes you wonder a little more about the scenario surrounding Porter Goss, another Administration higher-up who was forced to resign in the middle of the night. We never got to the bottom of that (an amazing circumstance when you think about it. The guy was the CIA director, after all).
Prince George gave Tobias and Goss the same choices as that band leader. You remember. Luca Brazi held a gun to his head while he decided between getting his blood or his ink on the Godfather’s contract.
Meanwhle Wolfy, a chief architect of the worst foreign-policy disaster in American history, is free to romp about the World Bank committing malfeasance, misfeasance, and every other kind of feasance. He’s in a class with torture-mongering Attorney General Pinnochio Gonzalez, who, according to Prince George, did a bang-up job in front of the Senate Judiciary Panel when he couldn’t recall anything about all those lies he told in his previous appearance.
Bush makes such baffling personnel decisions it’s virtually impossible to gauge the severity of his underlings' misdeeds by his reactions to them. So who knows whether Goss got himself into something more serious than the crimes of Wolfy or Pinocchio?
Our major news organizations would have ferreted out the inside dope on Goss' mysterious disappearance except they were too busy chasing the inside stories on Nicole Smith and all those American Idol contestants.
The specific nature of a crime means nothing to an administration which uses war and pestilence as dynamite excuses to put pals on the payroll. Evidently fornication (presumably Tobias’ crime, though he claims he received only massages from his call girls) is a far more serious infraction than causing death and destruction at astronomically biblical levels.
Normally I’d feel sorry for Tobias, who was fired for apparently engaging in harmless activities with other consenting adults – except for the fact that as the AIDS czar he caused slow death to who knows how many thousands when he withheld funds to distribute condoms in the Third World. Instead he used our tax dollars to emphasize abstinence and faithfulness. Wish I were kidding about that.
Watching this White House crew gambol through the world like Bigfoot on speedballs would be entertaining if they’d just stop raining death and destruction.

Friday, April 27, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman

Sweetly liberal has an ugly underside. Sometimes readers are puzzled why this famous, well-funded blogsite that provides columns from top-drawer people like novelist and thinker Jane Smiley also gives us muddled thoughts of Hollywood types like Alec Baldwin, a man who apparently can think a little, but just can’t put the results into a coherent piece. Read him sometime and you’ll see what I mean.
Huffingtonpost plays grateful, kow-towing host to great bunches of these Hollywood voices eager to ramble, and in our celebrity-crazed, dumbed-down society, it works, sort of. But it is to Paul Krugman or Bob Herbert as Britney Spears is to Miles Davis. Crichton to Dostoevsky. You get the picture. Some of the Hollywooders acquit themselves okay. Others show why they need someone else to write the scripts.
Anyway, my underground sources confirm that from time to time readers have posted complaints about the site’s choice of celebrity over cerebellum. Because, after all, it’s supposed to be a progressive site, they figure their voices will be heard. What happens is they are henceforth banned from future posting. That’s right, this self-appointed paragon of liberal thought is, Internet style, a book-burner.
Ariana Huffington has hired a squad of cyberspace vigilantes that punishes even the mildest of questions about the way they run things over there. You don’t have to point out, for example something as crass as the history of calculating Ariana Stassinopoulos who married gay Republican California heir Michael Huffington (with full knowledge of his sexual preferences, he says) and subsequently walked off with an undisclosed but apparently huge settlement, thereby creating the jet-setting, born-again liberal talking head Ariana we know today. The celebrity slant of her site is representative of her name-dropping, star-chasing self.
Light queries about how she runs that cyber-shop earn the posting enquirer a ban that will follow his/her name and computer into, apparently, the next life. They’ve got some heavy-duty software over there. Maybe it’s the same stuff the Chinese regime uses to trace dissidents. After I was tipped off to their banishments, I tried a little light basting myself and – you guessed it – I’m outa there.
I find it perfectly acceptable that Ariana has switched her politics from far right to comfy left. Converts are welcome. Trouble is she seems to have taken some of those nasty, illiberal habits from the right and brought them over to what’s supposed to be a forum for progressive, tolerant thought.
I'd advise the next President to at least think it over before making her Minister of Information.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
When Shotgun Cheney and his Little Prince accuse the Democrats in Congress of playing politics with the war in Iraq, they’re behaving like bug-eyed lunatics who set fire to a bungalow and then finger its residents for arson.

We can’t say with absolute certainty why these impossibly vicious and vacuous dolts started the war in the first place because their various lies about it are buried so deep in piles of extraordinary stupidity and contradictions that until we can subpoena documents and witnesses there’s just no discernible trail to follow. We know they lied us into the war, but ferreting out the reason is like trying to make sense out of the Mad Hatter’s tea party. If justice reigns, a special prosecutor will reveal the truth of it during the trials for their high crimes and misdemeanors.
Their most likely motive – beyond an instinctive, atavistic lust for oil and Bush’s sick Freudian need to show up Daddy – was in fact, precisely what they charge the Democrats with – politics. The plan was to whip citizens into a patriotic war frenzy while frightening the be-jeezus out of them, then win big at the polls. Beyond that, as was pointed out quite specifically in the famous Downing Street Memo, they had no plan for Iraq, other than to enjoy hallucinatory visions of American troops parading down boulevards lined with cheering, cheerful, flower-strewing, kite-flying Iraqis.

They figured the Decider-in-Chief’s new exalted status as a The Great Invader would allow them to get away with pretty much doing anything they wanted on the domestic front. That meant making the rich richer at everyone else’s expense while rewarding their political foot soldiers with jobs and contracts. They also took giant steps to institutionalize these regressive alterations so generations of Americans would be ruled by greedheads and church crazies who see worker safety, conservation, food and drug oversight, reproductive liberty, an energy plan, health care, and programs to fight global warming as the work of the devil.
Now at last congressional Democrats are passing legislation that timidly suggests it’s time to stop rewarding our enemies and punishing ourselves with this idiotic war to nowhere. Nancy Pelosi called this long overdue oversight of the fiasco a matter of ethics – which it is. But it’s also a matter of intelligence. When you’re methodically hitting yourself and innocent bystanders in the head with a hammer, the intelligent, ethical thing to do is stop.

After Bush vetoes the funding bill with its weak, easy-to-evade timetables Shotgun Cheney and our Preposterous Prince will probably get their funding from our easily frightened, corrupt Congress and continue the carnage. George McGovern believes that by the end of next year the twin tyrants' crimes will have caught up to them and they'll have to resign. In the meantime, victims will continue being sacrificed for the sake of their deluded visions.

Monday, April 23, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
Thanks to his small mind and sociopathic instincts, this president figures he can evade responsibility for his monstrous Iraq debacle by extending its duration through the end of his administration. Then he’ll blame everything on any future President – either his immediate successor or someone else down the line -- whoever succumbs to reality and brings the troops home from their pointless mission.
This purely personal agenda figures to cost us, among other things, the lives of another couple thousand or so American troops. But if the number were ten times that, Bush would still sleep well at night, even while thousands of Iraq veterans suffer nightmares from horrors that fail to reach their decider-in-chief intellectually or emotionally.
Already Bush and his handlers are blaming failure on members of Congress who dare to say out loud what everyone can see – that there’s nothing for us to gain in Iraq, and if there were, this bungling President has already lost it anyway.
Those timetables built into the House and Senate bills are terribly mild and full of exceptions that would allow him to ignore them anyway. But he looks forward to using his veto, to actually denying supplies to troops in the field so he can pour more lies on the fire, blaming his atrocious non-strategy on the Democrats even before his term ends. It’s quite easy for Bush to play chicken on war funding because he’s shown over and over in so many ways that the lives of those troops mean nothing to him anyway.
A vacuous monster like this could arise only from a broken political system – a system that not only makes access to funding the overwhelming criterion come election time, but also allows political strategists like Karl Rove to build a campaign that hides his vicious little scion behind a wall of advertising fiction. Bush is a man of few accomplishments and basically no abilities who lived his entire life being gently inserted into prepared situations by his Daddy and his powerful friends.
The country is a horse ridden by a spoiled sadist without conscience. The steed is much stronger than its tormentor, but just rides on, bit between its teeth, over an endless path of hot coals.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
When someone commits random murders in order to be heard, the media have no obligation to help the murderer. In fact, they're obliged to do exactly the opposite. If the Virginia Tech killer were virtually certain no one would see his video manifestos, perhaps he’d have made different plans, maybe even seen a counselor.

But NBC, which received the package, went in the direction that, oddly enough, guaranteed NBC (a subsidiary of General Electric) bigger profits, and gave the murderer precisely what he craved. This killer wasn’t the first to commit crimes in order to be heard. In fact, quite a number of sick murderers in recent history have been failed writers who committed atrocities to get what their limited talents couldn’t get for them – a voice in the mass media.

In 1995 The Washington Post and New York Times published the rants of The Unabomber, who in fact was not just a hermit but also a failed academic no one paid attention to until he started blowing up people through the mail.

Diaries of the three demented lone gunmen who shot George Wallace, John Lennon, and Ronald Reagan were published in full. The shooters made absolutely sure they could be found after the deed, just in case they didn't survive (All three did). The shootings were part of their marketing strategy. Awful songs written by Charles Manson were recorded for mass distribution. Laws are now on the books to prevent these geeks from obtaining financial rewards for their deeds, but most of them aren’t looking for money anyway. It’s fame they’re after.

Lots of corporate media dig deeply into the lives of the shooters, claiming they want to know more about them so we can all prevent repeat instances. Actually they’re just pandering to the lowest common denominator while giving the criminals exactly the fame they craved. If these media were so determined to help society, why, for example, didn't they pay any attention to the hump on Bush's back while he debated Kerry? The New York Times had nailed down the facts behind Bush's cheating heart, necessitated by his undersized intelligence, but failed to print them. To this day no accredited White House reporter has ever raised the issue with Bush, even though a NASA scientist in charge of photographic imagery got to the bottom of the case. But I digress.

When you give twisted people exactly what they want, you’re going to get more twisted people committing more crimes so they can obtain exactly what they want. It's like paying for the return of hostages. You may get them back, but you'll also create more hostages. GE-NBC executives knew all that when they showed those videos, though you’ll never get them to admit it. Notice that I don’t publish the names of any of these pathetic failed writers-turned-killers. That’s precisely how to treat them.

We can’t ignore their crimes, but we can erase their names and messages even before they appear. We can promise to give them precisely the anonymity which sparked their ugly acts.
I’d promise to boycott NBC, except I don’t watch any of its crap anyway. What about you?

Friday, April 20, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
This White House is coming apart like a Yugo in a wind tunnel. How is it coming apart? Let us count the ways.

Alberto Gonazalez: This man does terrible work in his two jobs as clown and liar. He's so astonishingly brainless he’s incapable of separating in his mind those lies he might be able to get away with and those that will be specifically disproved for certain by others’ testimony and documentary evidence. Even the most partisan Republicans on the Judiciary Committee now treat him like a typhoid carrier. The man appears baffled that he can’t wriggle out of precisely proved falsehoods by blabbing general denials. Worst Attorney General since . . . well, since the last one. And the White House just lets this runaway train roll on.

Shotgun Cheney: As late as last week he was raving about Saddam ties to Al Qaeda that have been disproved and/or disbelieved by virtually every intelligence agency and investigating committee that examined these false claims. His mind is a trash dump. He now directs comments only to the lowest grade fools and those few raving wraths who are as loony as he is.

Paul Wolfowitz: A World Bank president so damnably caught with his corrupt rat paws in the cookie jar that his own troops booed him in the lobby. Like Gonzalez, he answers questions about specific misdeeds with generalities or more lies. This nincompoop -- a key designer of our Iraq invasion and the non-strategy that followed -- tried hunkering down by – get this – not showing up for work. Sure, that’l fool ‘em.

War Czar: Not only will no one accept the post, the generals turning it down insult the Bush Administration both publicly and privately while they do it. When's the last time you heard someone reject a White House job by blasting the would-be employer in a Washington Post op-ed page piece? That's what retired Marine General John Sheehan did. These are uniquely powerful signals the ship's headed straight for an iceberg..

What’s Bush say about all this? Well, he pronounced Gonzalez’s testimony a hit. His spokeswoman (now there’s an ugly job) Dana Perino told reporters Gonzalez "has done a fantastic job in the Department of Justice." In other words, the policy is to follow the lead of goofball Gonzalez’s hopeless, hapless attempt to refute hard evidence with moronic platitudes and general denials. It’s like being caught by twelve cameras, 6,000 witnesses, and 400 pieces of physical evidence in a murder by strangulation and then claiming you were never near the scene and if you were you don’t recall it anyway.

Chief Bush-o-Ramus also pronounced his confidence in Wolfowitz and that sinking surge and continues, like his deputies, to answer facts with slogans and lies. Maybe he could help his people dig up a war czar among one of those “chicken pluckers” he talked about Thursday as he weirdly babbled on about a variety of subjects he can’t discuss in English sentences.

It looks like no one's in control. Whoever was calling the shots the first few years appears to have retired from the field and left the job to scavengers.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
Officials and campus police at Virginia Tech showed the judgment of parakeets yesterday morning. They had two bodies at a dormitory, both of them shooting victims, they’d recovered no weapons at the scene, so clearly an armed gunman or gunmen was at large, yet they waited two hours to issue an alert.

Instead they followed a blind lead, heading out to question the boyfriend of one of the victims. When asked why no alert was sounded, university president Charles Steger explained authorities were still gathering information.

According to his reckoning, one doesn’t notify the public about a crime until it’s solved. Evidently authorities made a mistake when they precipitously informed the community about the Manson murders, the Lindbergh kidnapping, and that New England Brink’s heist. Too bad they didn’t have Steger to advise them.

The first two murders were kept in-house with campus security. No other police organizations were called in to close off the campus and hunt down the killer. The campus community wasn't instructed to lock up and hunker down. Small minds under such circumstances are prone to cover up because it all looks so bad, thereby making things worse.

This morning reporters at the campus press conference focused on the psychological profile of the shooter, a known stalker, but the organizational atrocity here was in the panicked response to the first two murders, which made the other 30 possible in the classrooms across campus.

It’s terrible when we discover that people paid to protect us can be more prone to panic than your average customer sitting on a Denny’s stool. When Columbine High School was shot up eight years ago by two demented teens, the Sheriff’s Department waited two hours to enter the building because, they explained later, they feared there were booby traps inside. At least one person bled to death while they stood around with their thumbs up their ass. They also prevented anyone else from going in. Frantic parents had to stand there with them. The photo above is from the Columbine massacre. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

In battle, infantrymen go forward all the time knowing the enemy's somewhere up ahead with explosives, automatic weapons, and who knows what else. They do it because it’s what they signed to do, just as the firemen and cops who poured into the World Trade Center died trying to fulfill their pledge to keep people safe.

Then of course we have a commander-in-chief who read The Pet Goat for seven minutes after being informed the nation was under attack. Eventually he rose, raced to Air Force One, and flew around in a wide circle, from Florida to Nebraska, and finally Washington. He spent the entire day running away. As an ex-soldier, I can tell you an infantry squad leader who ran off and left his attacked squad to fend for itself would be court-martialed, stripped of rank, dishonorably discharged, and imprisoned. A president leaves an entire country defenseless and no one even asks him about it.

Nothing happened to those panicked Colorado authorities, but something did happen to Bush. He got re-elected. It’s too soon to tell what will happen to Steger and his Keystone Cops.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman

Periodic slaughters by our well-equipped lone gunmen have become so common that everybody knows what to do and say afterward -- survivors, journalists, relatives, politicians, the people who set up those same sad, makeshift shrines to the dead. We're engulfed by rage, grief, sadness, then we go back to our lives to wait for the next psycho.

So we were well-rehearsed for the tragedy that landed on Virginia Tech yesterday. We know all about those fearful, twisted beings who in this country have access to semi-automatic weapons. Organized, fearful, twisted beings in the National Rifle Association pay politicians to make sure they have that access.

People kill people, yes, but they kill them much more easily when they own such weapons. We're the only industrialized democracy on Earth that protects the rights of lunatics to buy them. They don’t have to prove sanity or even rudimentary knowledge of gun safety.

Meanwhile, the day took its usual toll of killed and maimed U.S. troops in Iraq. The counts always lag, but there we suffer an average of three American deaths a day, plus many more maimed -- all this in behalf of a pointless exercise that weakens us, has stolen our moral standing, makes our enemies stronger, and has unleashed mindless homicidal fury against an entire nation.

America's big tent unfortunately makes room for the mad policies of an administration that panders to a twisted few who wrongfully claim the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights specifically protects the gun rights of homicidal maniacs. It simultaneously pursues a war on the fly, restating its aims as it continues playing its deadly, ad libbed charade. Those of us who see flaws in these policies -- and we are the majority -- proceed with our melancholy, curious acceptance.

Bush-o-ramusses tell themselves their Iraq doings are a necessary cost of business, but that's only so they don't have to face the truth of their sick, irrational longings. We get less oil out of Iraq than we did before the war. If we were to rebuild and properly protect its oil infrastructure, an accounting of the true cost would be in the thousands per barrel. Meanwhile we're a nation without a conservation policy. People still purchase 7,000-pound SUVs. Madness.

Virginia Tech and Iraq are all part of the same bloody tapestry of a nation that lets fanatics sit atop the political system – fanatics attached to a world view that finds Virginia Tech and Iraq unremarkable and necessary.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
Many of us who were around as Nixon slowly sank, one fact at a time, toward his political demise, considered it, if truth be told, a rewarding experience to see that lying, criminal bastard flailing about, his misdeeds pulling him inexorably toward justice's reward.
Now we’re seeing a repeat, with Bush as the new criminal, but it’s not rewarding -- not even a little bit. The problem here is, while the dummy twists slowly, slowly in the wind (yes, I'm mixing metaphors), people are dying in his vile, wholly impossible attempt to be vindicated by the blood of others.

My friend Tom Dowretzky, a former news desk colleague, sent me this link: Tom pointed out that the lead is buried, because beneath the first paragraph we learn Domenici took his campaign to fire the U.S. Attorney who was tormenting him directly to Bush, and the man, David Iglesias, was subsequently fired. It leaves lots of questions. Did Bush take some kind of direct action in Domenici’s behalf after the phone call? Common sense tells us he did. Bush certainly didn’t do anything to call off the dogs. Since he had sworn an oath to the Constitution, it was his duty to admonish Domenici and report his behavior. No evidence of that, either. Circumstantial evidence tells us he ordered Iglesias fired. The investigation rolls on -- torpidly.

By January 2009, when Bush is scheduled to step down, odds are the Democratically-controlled Congress will have uncovered an enormous tonnage of impeachable offenses. But in the meantime in Iraq, three U.S. troops die every day, on average, and many more are permanently disabled.

Bush, avidly persuing his place in hell, said over the weekend that the Democrats in Congress must listen to the generals and continue funding his despicable war. But the generals told him long ago to seek a political solution and get out. So he kept replacing generals until he found some who would go along. Meanwhile, clearly planning to make Iraq a colony into perpetuity, he builds an enormous network of U.S. military bases there euphemistically called "enduring" bases. Congress in 2002 gave him the right to dig out the phantom WMDs. Everything else he did and continues to do there is the work of a despot.

Yet there’s no serious impeachment attempt in Congress. And Bush has even admitted violating the law – revoking habeas corpus and reading mail, intercepting phone calls, etc., without a warrant.
The two Iraq funding bills that supposedly stand up to Bush are weak. Military Families Speak out calls them totally unacceptable. The House has a withdrawal deadline of August 31, 2008. That, points out MFSO, “would mean the deaths of over 1,000 more US troops and tens of thousands of Iraqi children, women, and men.” The Senate version suggests withdrawal by March 2008. Both bills are loaded with language allowing Bush to ignore them.

As justice for this tyrant moves at the speed of a glacier, more troops head for Iraq on 15-month deployments . . .

Saturday, April 14, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
The way the Iraq war is structured, very few Americans are conscious of what it’s doing to them. Unlike the scattered families whose children come home in coffins that, by White House edict, can’t be photographed, or like the Iraqis who go to the market for a leg of lamb and return minus a leg of their own, most middle-class Americans just go on about their business.
They pay their taxes, go to work, go out to dinner, make love, chuckle over The Daily Show, buy crappy Chinese stuff at discount stores rung up by desperately poor people obeying edicts to smile without health insurance, they fume at this crappy government, but consider themselves mostly untouched.
Meanwhile the horrors deepen. The planet bakes, the fundamentalist churches siphon tax funds to raise more Creationist zombies, the vets come home broken and untreated, there’s no energy policy, Bush lies and lies some more, borrows and borrows some more, allocating the funds to programs that make everything worse and to heck-of-a-job Brownies he's placed throughout the government. He cripples food safety, worker safety, science, education, and access to education, dumbing everything down to his level.
Congressional members enjoy their free gym memberships and members-only elevators while the cauldron boils and we count down the days and hope our twisted electoral process will give us something better next time. But those boxes keep coming home.
The late Mario Savio (pictured above), facing circumstances far less onerous than today's -- when we suffer under an Orwellian regime that despises its own people -- said to a crowd of Berkeley students in 1964,
“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!”
Now there’s an idea.
Imus lost his job. Excellent, but let's stop patting ourselves on the back. Bush and Cheney still have theirs.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman

Kurt Vonnegut had a great run. And in his final book, the nonfiction A Man Without a Country, he got off some profound, clever shots against our present President. Imagine that.
Even as we mourn Vonnegut's loss we see Dick Cheney, his metal heart and test-tube blood refreshed daily by the Transylvanian earth on his coffin floor, wake each evening suited up and ready for another round of lies, mayhem, and feeding enriched batches of evil into the overloaded mind of the pathetic little nitwit sitting in the Oval Office in his Top Gun costume.
This country not only sells guns to its maniacs, it even installs them as President and places them in charge of the biggest, most lethal collection of war-making machinery in history. Had we known just how vile and demented this guy was, we’d have understood that our passive acceptance was making us co-conspirators in our own self-destruction.

But if a candidate has enough money, he can hide behind an election process that fails to ferret out character and can even camouflage astoudingly low levels of ability and intelligence. So Bush bided his time for awhile cutting taxes for the rich, walking away from the Kyoto Treaty, planting heck-of-a-job Brownies all across the top of government agencies, making sure there was no energy policy to conflict with the goals of Exxon-Mobil and Saudi Arabia, and, curiously, impaling counter-terrorism strategies set in place by the previous administration, which he replaced with nothing at all.
But soon enough he mounted his toy steed and dispatched American forces down the mountain for oil, glory, and to scratch the itch of his homicidal pathology. Now his new man at Defense, Robert Gates, who’d signed off on the bipartisan Baker commission’s report, has extended Iraq tours to 15 months. That highly touted panel, remember, said we must begin using diplomacy to extricate ourselves. But after waiting two weeks for everyone to forget the report, Bush threw in more, rather than less, and Gates oversees this mad race toward the abyss.
The war is killing us, and the “surge” is doing it quicker. Congress must hold fast against war funding and impeach these bastards. It’s doubtful it will do even half of that, but we have to stay after its members and make them fear the next election more than they love their corporate paymasters.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman

Radio snake Don Imus, who may or may not survive his having referred to student athletes as “nappy-headed ho’s” on the air, could be legitimately fired for each and every moronic episode of his show – as should perverted Howard Stern, dope-addled Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of their ilk.
These radio personalities represent the dumbing down of America to absurd levels no one could have imagined just a few years ago. They're vicious clowns of no redeeming social value who have no allegiance to truth, fairness, or any sort of moral code west of Taliban country.
America suffers from dumbed down elections, music, TV, education, morality, logic, newspapers, weekly magazines, 24-hour news, you name it. And nowhere is it more evident than talk radio, where vocal reptiles like Imus race to the noxioius bottom of the listeners’ barrel to scoop up fame and profit from an alarming deterioration of standards and taste.

Imus is the guy who once told a series of terrible jokes based on Bill Clinton’s extra-marital affairs at a black-tie dinner attended by Bill and Hillary. He got what he wanted – publicity. Where I grew up a guy like that would have been instantly dragged out to the nearest alley for justice. Such a solution is neither terribly intelligent nor always fair, because the ability to pound lumps in a guy’s head is not always in synch with the justness of the pounder’s cause. But seeing it would have been a guilty pleasure.

In that particular case a dumbed-down radio personality was relying on dumbed-down politics to increase the audience of his dumbed-down show. No low-life could have insulted Harry Truman like that because he’d have turned it all around on the perpetrator. But Imus knew his man. He knew the Clintons, who are fuzzy on morals and can’t make a serious move without a focus group to guide them, would sit there and take it, and Imus would get the headlines he so desperately craved.

Years ago friends tried to persuade me there’s actually substance to Howard Stern, that I should try him out. The second time I heard his show he and his ghastly crew of ass-kissers superimposed their own catcalls and laughter over a 911 tape of tearful Joaquin Phoenix’s call to police as his brother River died of a drug overdose on the Sunset Strip. If there was something funny to say about the death of a 23-year-old kid, these fools didn’t find it. I’ve despised Stern ever since.

Limbaugh is a scumbag who styles himself as a kind of political analyst until you catch him telling a flat-out lie, in which case he pleads he’s merely an entertainer. The ascendance of Imus, Limbaugh, Stern, and their clones was aided by the fact that most of their listeners are alone in their vehicles where they feel safer indulging in a moral decay they find appealing.

Fire Imus? Of course. But not just because of his latest racist remarks. Fire him because of what he does every day to make dumbed-down America dumber – and viler.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
John McCain never gets the credit he deserves. The man is a creative thinker whose smallest ideas sometimes contain blockbuster solutions to problems that grow apace while our 21st century Nero fiddles at the Texas White House.
What McCain inadvertently discovered last week was a sure-fire solution to Iraq’s security issues. He demonstrated that if we provide each of its 25 million citizens with 100 U.S. troops on the ground, Apache choppers overhead and military vehicles bristling with automatic weapons to block off streets feeding into their destinations, all Iraqi citizens, providing they wear flak jackets and don't let others know their destinations, should be secure enough to conduct their everyday business with reasonable assurance they won’t be kidnapped or blown to bits. That’s a darn hot discovery and it was pretty much ignored by news media, including all those blogger Bolsheviks who lay claim to some special handle on the truth.
What it means is we can indeed meet the stated goals of the present mission in Iraq of providing a stable foundation so democracy there may flourish like it does here, where a voter in Idaho has approximately five thousand two hundred percent more clout in electing a U.S. senator than a voter in California and where all the stories lately are about how much money a candidate can raise for the 30-second attack ads that will win the electiion.
But I digress. McCain showed us that if we merely allocate proper resources to this surge we should be able to accomplish Bush’s stated goal of staying over there as long as the Iraqis want us. (even though most of them say it's okay to kill U.S. soldiers -- and those polled include Kurds, just about the only people over there who can stand us and who had already broken free of Saddam before we invaded)
Yes, Bush really said that. But it's McCain who demonstrates with such unique vision and clarity just where we're headed. And in 2008 when we ask our new President what he/she is going to do now, the new boss can exclaim with glee, "I'm going to McCainLand!"

Friday, April 06, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
You have to give credit to our chicken-hawk veep for his unyielding though insufferable persistence. When he gets hold of a lie, you can train a fire hose on him and he still won't let go. Yesterday the unrepentant loon repeated his assertions of al-Qaida links to Saddam Hussein.
This flat declaration, made with the cruel impatience that only a severely impaired maniac can muster, conflicted with brand-new evidence on top of all the old evidence that no such link existed. The new evidence came in the form of the simultaneous release of a Defense Department report confirming that Saddam’s regime never cooperated with al-Qaida. Heads are gonna have to roll at the Pentagon.
As he is wont to do, Dick Cheney, a guy who appointed himself, made his goofy assertion before an audience of imbeciles -- this time listeners to the archbishop of all things hypocritical -- hard-core doper and gay-baiting gay Rush Limbaugh.
Terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Cheney said, “took up residence (in Iraq) before we ever launched into Iraq, organized the al-Qaida operations inside Iraq before we even arrived on the scene and then, of course, led the charge for Iraq until we killed him last June."
Only teeny parts of that statement are true, of course, but look carefully at Cheney’s language and how cleverly he integrates what's real with what's invented. Cheney’s a careful user of words. I particularly enjoyed his branding of Iraq as the “central front in the war against terror.” He’s very good at saying stuff that doesn’t say what you think it said.

Notice this time our tenacious Tyrant Number Two didn’t say Zarqawi received any sort of cooperation from Saddam, only that Zarqawi operated in pre-war Iraq. By these standards we should launch immediate invasions of both Spain and the United Kingdom, where al-Qaida functionaries operated and launched large-scale terror attacks. Oregon and New York should also be on the lookout for U.S. helicopter assaults, because al-Qaida wannabes were captured there as well.

Over the years I’ve come to admire the use of this administration’s rhetoric. After the invasion blew up in his face and timid reporters got around to asking Bush whether . . . well, maybe this invasion wasn’t such a good idea . . . Bush would kill his near-perpetual smirk, put on his Top Gun face and reply, “Everyone agreed Saddam was a threat.” And by God, it was true.
But no reporters followed up with something like Hey, numbnuts, the Soviet Union was a threat, but none of your predecessors was stupid enough to invade it. You don’t invade every country that dislikes you, do you, dickhead? Bush got away with this over and over, figuring, heck, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Speaking of questions that are actual questions reminds me -- where’s that credentials application for the next Rose Garden edition of the White House’s kook-encrusted explanation of the world? Oh, I remember. They turned me down in favor of a gay prostitute. (Long story)

Thursday, April 05, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman
Our expanding casualty list from Iraq of 3,265 American dead and 26,188 wounded or med-evaced for other causes comes to us incomplete. In all U.S. wars before this, casualties included dead, wounded, and missing. This administration begrudgingly releases stats on dead and wounded but doesn’t want to remind Americans that two of our soldiers are missing, so it doesn’t, and our obliging nitwit mass media go along, making the two soldiers invisible men, trees falling in a forest uninhabited by real journalists.

The fate of these two soldiers is unknown. They should be listed on any casualty toll and not forgotten, which is what the White House would like us to do.
Among the many reasons this administration wants us to forget them is its blatant disavowal of the Geneva Convention, and innumerable documented instances of Iraqi prisoners being tortured, humiliated, beaten, and killed. It knows it can’t plead for humane treatment and be taken seriously after all the world saw photos of war crimes at Abu Ghraib, for which no one above the rank of sergeant has been tried.
Bush, Cheney, et al, see our troops as inanimate chess pieces they don’t identify as actual people – you know, the kind they see around the country club or the boardroom. Neither Bush nor Cheney has attended even one funeral of the fallen -- a first in American history for people filling those offices. If you want to know how much our tyrannical team cares for our soldiers, ask any of the disabled Iraq war vets who've been waiting two years for a check.
Army Reservist Ahmed Qusai al-Taie, 42, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, was abducted October 23, 2006 when he left the Green Zone, reportedly to see his Iraqi wife. Al-Taie was born in Iraq, but moved to the U.S. as a teenager. His Military Occupational Specialty is translator. The accompanying photo of him (on the left) was released by a Shiite milita – you know, the pals our dimwitted warrior prince has allied himself with against the Sunnis. These buddies of his also killed Casey Sheehan, Cindy’s son.
Al-taie was first reported at "a relative's home when three cars pulled up to the residence," a U.S. military spokesman said. "The hostage-takers handcuffed him and forced him into one of their vehicles," Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said.

Sgt. Keith Matthew Maupin, 23, of Batavia, Ohio, pictured on the right, from footage shown on Arabic-language Al Jazeera TV, disappeared in April 2004 after his convoy was attacked near Baghdad International Airport. He was a PFC at the time. His status originally was "whereabouts unknown." The military changed that to "missing-captured" after Al-Jazeera showed a videotape of Maupin held captive by insurgents.
Two months later, Al-Jazeera said it had received a videotape and statement from insurgents who claimed they killed Maupin, but U.S. officials were unable to verify this, and his status remains "missing-captured."
Maupin and al-Taie are our sons. If you’re a taxpayer, you sent them out there to do a job. We have a responsibility to get them back. Don’t let this administration get away with erasing their existence.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman

If you wonder how our warrior Prince George can so callously throw more American youths into the Iraqi meatgrinder in a moronic effort to salvage his blighted legacy, just look at how casually he kills other Americans in order to fatten the wallets of his greedhead friends.

His demented, malevolence has been proved to us over and over during our six-year nightmare, but most recently in two blatant cases involving global warming and sociopathic Big Tobacco poisoning.

Only a week ago it was revealed that his administration put the fix in for death by tobacco in a blockbuster six-year mega-case. In a March 22 report by Carol Leonnig in the Washington Post, ex-Justice Department attorney Sharon Eubanks related the Bush officials’ interference. Tobacco pushers had been utterly trapped at last, with documentary evidence showing they’d lied about a product they knew was inflicting regular disease and death on Americans. The court was poised to exact a $130 billion levy, much of which would have gone toward educating young Americans against the dangers of cigarettes. Studies show these programs work. But Eubanks now tells us that on the eve of victory, the department ordered the requested levy be sliced to $10 billion. That consigned hosts of Americans to a life of disease and early death, but before they expire they'll shell out blood money to a vicious industry that must create new addicts to replace the ones it kills.

Presiding US District Judge Gladys Kessler wrote, “Over the course of more than 50 years, defendants lied, misrepresented, and deceived the American public, including smokers and the young people they avidly sought as ‘replacement smokers,’ about the devastating health effects of smoking and environmental tobacco smoke, they suppressed research, they destroyed documents, they manipulated the use of nicotine so as to increase and perpetuate addiction, they distorted the truth about low-tar and light cigarettes so as to discourage smokers from quitting, and they abused the legal system in order to achieve their goal—to make money with little, if any, regard for individual suffering, soaring health costs, or the integrity of the legal system.” These were the twisted, hateful, greedy geeks the Bush Administration chose to align itself with.

Then we saw the Justice Department go all the way to the Supreme Court to push its screwy thesis that the EPA lacked the power to monitor polluting emissions that exacerbate global warming. Here we have a power-mad administration that claims the right to read our mail and listen to our phone calls without a warrant, to suspend habeas corpus, torture suspects in the bowels of a secretive international CIA gulag, and ignore law through the stepped-up use of "signings" to legislation. Yet rather than help citizens breathe and fight against the ravages of our poaching planet, suddenly it claims it’s just a little ole toothless government with no power to exact civilized policies from Big Oil and other serial polluters.

The 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in favor of citizens versus the lunatics was encouraging, but those four votes against us were yet another wake-up call. Justice John Paul Stevens, instrumental in this and other cases defending us against the pirates who run the administration, will be 87 this month. Should Bush appoint his successor, the harsh legacy of his fiendish stewardship will follow us with greater strength for decades.

Meanwhile, more troops head for Iraq to suffer death, disfigurement, and possible capture (our inept corporate news media never, ever mention the missing when they cite casualties), dispatched by such a deeply deranged fool he has yet to re-examine any of the deluded platitudes and slogans that in the dim-witted recess of his mind pass for moral policy.

Monday, April 02, 2007


By Ivan G. Goldman

You have to wonder about the judgment and sanity of some of these no-hope presidential candidates. I don’t mean fringe players like Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who runs, apparently, without expectation of victory, but whose primary purpose is to direct attention to a cause (in his case, the cause of an aggressively liberal agenda that pays no heed to the demands of mega-corporate players).

What’s startling and almost inexplicable are the truly weird candidates out there expecting to win – Rudy Giuliani and John McCain being the most extreme examples. How could these two possibly have any expectation of success? Carrying baggage that positively reeks, they face two successive, towering hurdles – getting past the hard-core Republican zealots who vote in the primaries and then taking a sharp left turn to pick up the independents they must win over to prevail in the general election while still hanging on to the fringe-weirdo Republican vote.

Giuliani is so vulnerable to the facts of his history that in a national election he’d be in trouble against Porky Pig. Not just the fact that he married his cousin, was forced to admit marital infidelity during an ugly divorce proceeding, and is a serial cross-dresser. Not just the ugly history of his daffy, dog-torturing present wife, either. First, Giuliani put a particularly odious fix in to slide under the Vietnam-era draft (the facts, as I said, are there; one need only look). That bit of his past was overlooked in the run for NYC mayor, but it won't play in Peoria. As mayor, he got lots of publicity for the sharp reduction in New York City crime, but the real mover there was Police Commissioner William Bratton, who, using computer-mapping techniques to pinpoint crime, reduced serious offenses by more than one-third and murder by almost half in just two years. When reporters sniffed out Bratton, Giuliani got rid of him. Not the mark of a leader.

Then Rudy showed oddly wild enthusiasm for unaccomplished Detective Bernard Kerik, pulling him way up into the city bureaucracy and later getting dim-witted George Bush to nominate him to run Homeland Security. Kerik is about to be indicted for a trail of sleaze that followed him up the ladder of success, and Giuliani is stuck to him as Laurel was to Hardy.

McCain took his eye off the ball long ago. It’s nearly impossible to name an issue on which he hasn’t listed mightily from one side to the other, all in his mad pursuit of acclamation, approval, and the presidency. Now he’s unabashed leader of the wildly demented Iraq war hawks, who never saw an irrational U.S. escalation they didn’t love.

McCain is old, and like Giuliani, he’s suffered from both cancer and irrational exuberance for his blighted personal cause. Their unelectable national status is firm as the carvings on Mount Rushmore. Some other Republican will win the nomination.

The real question is whether hated, untrusted, eerie Hillary Clinton is just as crazy as Giuliani and McCain. Whereas McCain has taken every possible position on every possible issue, Hillary takes no clear position on anything. If you asked her whether she preferred cherry or apple pie she'd have to run it through a focus group before replying, and you'd still get no definitive answer. She's a phantom candidate with the beliefs of a snail. But like Giuliani and McCain, she believes in her right to prevail and to rule.
All three of those candidates have access to serious money from their elite paymasters. That won’t be enough to help Rudy and John. The story on Hillary has yet to clarify itself. Of late she's turned more and more to Bill to shore up her absence of charisma or clearcut policy. The strategy is to go after the nostalgia vote -- promising the same old dynasty with the same old Clintonite Klingons in the entourage, and a shared presidency -- a 21st century William and Mary, Ferdinand & Isabella setup. Can't America do better than this?